Surfing at Siargao

I am happy that I get to check one of my bucket list. I have always wanted to surf or die from doing things that I've always wanted to do. Fortunately, we were safe and I am thankful. The water was shallow, the only bad thing is you could fall onto or hit on a sharp rock.

Lessons learned from surfing:
1. Not all champions are good teachers. 
2. Not all good teachers are champions.

That's me on the surfboard. It's sad we didn't have a water resistant camera. (note to self: invest in underwater camera) My instructor was a surfing champion in international category, but what an ass he was. Quite bossy as well and a show off. I paid 500 for less than an hour lesson.

Some sharp rocks you could fall into. Ouch!

 Dragging my surfboard. It was too heavy for me.
