Silliman University

I have always been fascinated with Silliman University. It started when I was in high school. My friend Kathleen who studied music in this university, had been telling me  great and cool things about the university. She wanted me to enroll there when I graduate. Unfortunately, after high school, mom didn't want me to study in Silliman because that would mean we would be apart. She is overprotective of me and sometimes I blame her for the lack of experience that I don't have. If she wasn't so overprotective, I would've learned more things, know myself better, and perhaps be a better person if she had loosened my leash a little bit.

Anyway, enough of that mother and daughter drama, let's get back to why I love to be here in Dumaguete.
1. I love the big trees 
2. I love their boulevard
3. Dumaguete is a place of mysteries, urban legends and haunted stories of ghosts.
4. I love the big grounds of Silliman
5. Food here is very affordable
6. I can just ride my bike to school and just lay back.

Here are some photos my husband took.

Me and my nephew

love letters. I posted the flyer because I was there for work.

At the end of this hallway is your soulmate

 The haunted Ladies' Dorm

More trees. I want to be surrounded by trees.
