Balamban Adventures on a Black Saturday

My family had decided to go up the hills on a Black Saturday. The day was perfect. Supper bright sun, lots of sweet corns, more sweats, more chills when the night came, foggy highway etc. 

It was a mix of everything good. I want my kids to have great childhood memories. I want them to enjoy joy rides as much as I do, be it on a bus, a van, a car, on a boat, on a plane. I know for a fact that kids remember things as early at the age of 4. I remember a lot when I was 4. So...

My kids found themselves a girlfriend. They have to share her. LOL

I forgot the little girl's name. Somethings wrong with my memory lately.

So we went to this adventure place and the kids really had fun. Sad thing is, I forgot the name of the place. I would want to go back there every time.

My little adventurer riding a mini zip line. I love it when my kids are having a blast!

My little one is having a lot of fun too.

I think sunsets are for sad people. I prefer sunrises more!

By the way, the restrooms had a great view! But be careful. ; )

I got so hungry that I forgot to take pictures of the food we ordered. It would've been useless since the lights were dim and a flash from the camera is not as good as natural light.
