A Letter For Dean

Dear Dean,

Your existence was unexpected but very much welcome. Having you in my womb was a different experience when I had your kuya Migue. You liked Adolf Hitler so much, I couldn't stop reading about him. You weren't picky when it comes to food. You like to sew a lot and apply make up on other people, of course this was all Momma's doing but you made her do it for you.

Your birth was a difficult one, I never expected it. I thought that you'd be easier since you came next to you Kuya whose birth was very painful but very easy and safe. There were complications on your birth so they needed to do a Caesarean section. I was happy that you came out healthy and strong. I gave you a kiss before they sent you to the nursery and it took 4 days before I could hold you in my arms. I was very sad. You had to stay 7 days in the nursery and I went home without you. That was so painful for me.

But look at you now, strong, healthy and beautiful. I thank God for you in every prayer I make. You are very lovely. You have what we call at home a "killer smile". It kills us every time you flash it to us, especially when we were about to scold you. You are sometimes spoiled. You like to get the things you want and you cry so loud when you can't get it. It gives me a terrible headache.

Dean, I can see that you are stronger than your Kuya. I hope you will use your strength well. Get into sports, don't get into fights but if someone starts it, you better end it! You ran and climbed before you walked. That was amazing. You spoke Mama and Papa when you were only 3 months. I know you are smart but I hope you will use that gift well. Let God be your guide. May you be modest and helpful. Never be too proud of yourself. That can destroy you.

We love you so much you little punk!




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