Learning To Write

At the office, I am learning each day how to write articles because it is a requirement, it is my job. I am also learning to develop my skills in writing because I now have a reason to. It is important to add that I find it a bit difficult to write something I don't even know a shit of. A constructive criticism is what I need, but too much of it will make me slack. So I practice, but damn you deadlines!

On the other note, despite his laziness in writing, my little one is learning to write. One of the reasons he hates writing is, his hands easily sweats, and nobody wants that. Migue is ambidextrous so he's having difficulty which side [of his brain] to develop first. His letters and numbers are inverted, like his 3 looks like big E, his 2 looks like a 5, he kicks with his left, he brushes his teeth with his left, writes at the right, shoots the ball with his left. I will be asking his doctor later how to make this a lot easier for him.

Hey you missed the letter "e" babe.

He can fill-in the blanks. Notice how he mistakenly writes the numbers beside my corrections. Mama is here to help. I feel like I am thankful with the night shift already, because I have more time with my kids in the afternoon and when I'm gone at night, they sleep. It's so sweet that Migue prefers to sleep on the floor alone because he wanted to sleep beside me in the morning when I'm back from work, since yaya and Dean sleep on the bed. I like sleeping on the floor with a mattress. I don't know why, when in fact, I've been sleeping on a bed for 20 years.

It makes me such a proud mom and I just wanna make sure I will always have a copy of special photos so I save them online and in my computer.
