Why Johnny Why?

A disappointment. I loved you Johnny and your songs too. I sometimes wished you were mine and oddly I was you.. but why? why Johnny why?

"The only man I've kissed is Perez Hilton. It was New Year's Eve and I decided to go out and destroy myself. I was dating Jessica at the time, and I remember seeing Perez Hilton flitting about this club and acting as though he had just invented homosexuality. All of a sudden I thought, I can outgay this guy right now. I grabbed him and gave him the dirtiest, tongue-iest kiss I have ever put on anybody--almost as if I hated fags. I don't think my mouth was even touching when I was tongue kissing him, that's how disgusting this kiss was. I'm a little ashamed. I think it lasted about half a minute. I really think it went on too long."

*source http://blog.fooyoh.com/patpoh/entry/John-Mayer-Upsets-The-Gays-Too
