
Hey, wanna know something funny? I just got fired on my birthday.

But who said it's gonna stop me from being optimistic about life?

Anyway, for post birthday celebration(i was working), hubby made me his special spaghetti which is my favorite. His spaghetti is the only spaghetti I love to eat. Special because of the sauce, which I will not share. He makes the best pasta sauce!

I was a weird kid, I don't eat spaghetti, I don't eat salads. For those who know me, please don't tell Nana about this. She'll get upset if she finds out I eat Ernel's spaghetti and not hers. Everybody loves Nana's cooking. It's the best. Everyone comes home to eat than spend money dining outside. It's a surprise that I am not a fat kid growing up at my parents' house.


  1. I don't know which is worse: Being fired on your birthday or a boyfriend broke up with you on your birthday. ;p

    But anyway, a job's a job. Let it NOT be a sole defining factor of who you are. :)

    But I wonder what you did to get fired on your birthday? ;p

  2. Worst is being fired on a birthday especially if you badly need a job. Fuck boyfriends, who needs them? hehe =p

    Anyway, I had a feeling people would ask same thing you did. I failed the training. That's why. =) My fault. =p

  3. so you weren't fired because you just started diay! you just weren't qualified.

    Look on the bright side: I failed Peoplesupport and look at me now? I'm earning 5x as much as PS could ever have given me back then. :) Sweldo ko now is more than enough than 2 of their managers combined. ;) That never would have happened if they hired me and doomed my future for the rest of my life.

    Call centers are career killers.

  4. Right! The Lord takes but gives something better. Good for you! =)


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