Oblivious About Chickenpox

Never had chickenpox in my life until the 5th month of my pregnancy.
Quite absurd isn't it? Scars are covering my once beautiful face. I never got it during my childhood despite my exposure to others that has been infected.

It was funny actually, I never recognized the symptoms. I was thinking of something else like maybe STD from Ernel (sorry), perhaps some black magic or a curse was put upon me(i don't think I'm that bad for someone to do this to me. don't you think?)... really had strange thoughts especially because I just got back from a vacation in Leyte. Until one day my dad's assistant said "That's chickenpox!" now why didn't I ever think of that? not even once! I need to clean up my mind a little bit ('ya think?).
The most difficult of it all was not being able to hold Migue for days. The doctor said that my baby is going to be fine. It's better to have it early pregnancy than late or the baby inside the tummy might catch it as well.
