A Tribute To Migue

Dear Migue,

I remember the first time I kissed you, it was right after giving birth to you when the nurse handed you to me before they send you to the nursery. I remember so well the first time I saw you, it was right after you were taken out from my belly. Your eye bags were huge, your lips were shaking as you cry super out loud. I have forgotten all the labour pains you caused for more than 24 hours with just 10 minutes interval as the longest on that moment.

I remember when everybody in the delivery room freaked out because I almost touched you as Dr. Campugan put you on my tummy while you were still covered with mucus and blood. That day, was the happiest day in my life and I remember like it just happened yesterday.

I remember it all too well now as I see you getting ready for your first day in school. You were so excited and couldn't wait. It's hard to imagine that it's been more than three years since I first saw you delivered safely into this world. You bring the whole family ( especially the Teves and Omayan) nothing else but great happiness.

I love it when you say things just to make me feel good. Like when you say out of the blue "You're so beautiful mama, and sexy and beautiful." "I love your hair mama." "you're humot mama" even if I'm not. Sipsip as what your papi and I call you.Italic
I love seeing you cry. I love seeing you mad. I love seeing you happy. I love it when you embrace my leg just so I can stop being mad at you or to save yourself from getting spanked. I love it when you give me that sorry look on your face when I get mad at you.

I wish you all the best in this life. We love you soo much! Your papi and I always talk about you especially when you're not around. So happy and blessed we are to have you.

Loving you always,

Mama Terna

*"first day in school" pic will be inserted as soon as i purchase a new card reader. Mine got totally busted.

*Update. Old card reader worked miraculously! so no need to purchase a new one yet.

He's very excited. Look at that smile on his face

Migue waiting at the garage

Migue with his Papi at school
