New Year New Life

Just a few hours left and my new life starts. Sorry if I don't have entries on the past months. I have grown tired of blogging and I feel like this has no use for me anymore.

I've learned a lot this year and I'm thankful for it. I thank the few people who stood by me after all I've been through this year. You guys know who you are! 2007 was not easy. Been through a lot of bumps, cried a lot of tears, had to accept some difficult facts. I'm black and blue but I made it through so wooohooo! I made it! I'm a fighter!

My Goals For 2008:

1. To be unusual
2. To be independent
3. To be optimistic
4. Be stronger (char!)
5. Be wiser
6. Be more beautiful inside and out! =p
7. To love myself more

Things I've Learned for 2007:

1. People are not always what they seem
2. You can never trust anyone
3. Life is a bitch
4. Life fucks us all
5. Love doesn't last (char!)
6. No such thing as permanent
7. To give less = To get more

Amazing! See ya guys next year! Hope it'll be fun!
