My Job

I have been enjoying my job for five months now, and I say I would really love to stay. But there’s just a little problem and that’s my number of absences and lates.

I am such a lazy ass witch. But I love what I do and soon I’ll be doing. This is the first time I really enjoy my work.
I’d like to thank my superior who is my idol for giving me the chance to prove myself despite my laziness, weirdness and uhmmm what else? Uhhh… despite my character which is a little frustrating to handle. He handles me very well which in return, I pay great respect.

I work in a film production company. It’s a place where you’ll meet different people with different perceptions, fake personalities, strong personalities and creativity.

I am the QA Analyst from I.T department who almost everybody outside I.T hates. They hate me because of what I do and what I can do. I can snoop around. I am the Whistleblower in this company and I get paid by doing so. This is not what I really do but people already have the wrong impression and wrong idea about me. So I let them be because I don’t care what they think.

My real job is nothing much. I am tasked to check all the corporate websites, phone lines and monitoring the internet logs. This is really what a Quality Assurance Analyst does. But people get paranoid cause of the random monitoring that I do. Oh well.. you shouldn’t be mad if you got nothing to hide and since you are, obviously there are skeletons in your closet which I would love to find out.

From this job I’ve learned that there are some back-stabbing bitches in the company who just wouldn’t shut their mouth up. They make me sick. They talk bad on their colleagues, their bosses and the rest of the people in the company. Insecure, naïve, hostile and pure “Bitchism” bitching all day. I wonder what benefits they’ll get by doing this? I wonder what back-stabbing can help? Self satisfaction? Self pleasure? What?


  1. haha welcome to the corporate world!=D there's more come. that kind of bitching is just the icing of the cake. it gets uglier and nastier. you may find yourself doing the same thing yourself and really it can't be help. it's part of politics in any company. that kind of attitude gets some people the perks but to some who don't know how to use it wisely will end up messing with the wrong people. best advice for you is to keep your head low and intake as much information you can get when you are in that kind of position. you might find a use for them someday;P your job is no longer a mediocre job like an agent. that's where it really gets nasty and you'll find the essence of working and minggling and kissin up with some dirty asses along the way. it sounds unpleasant but it is how things are. no one ever got to be on top with out getting their hands dirty and trust me it will get even dirtier for you. just don't find yourself being swallowed up and don't forget to do your best.

  2. haha welcome to the corporate world!=D there's more come. that kind of bitching is just the icing of the cake. it gets uglier and nastier. you may find yourself doing the same thing yourself and really it can't be helped. it's part of politics in any company. that kind of attitude gets some people the perks but to some who don't know how to use it wisely will end up messing with the wrong people. best advice for you is to keep your head low and intake as much information you can get when you are in that kind of position. you might find a use for them someday;P your job is no longer a mediocre job like an agent. that's where it really gets nasty and you'll find the essence of working and minggling and kissin up with some dirty asses along the way. it sounds unpleasant but it is how things are. no one ever got to be on top with out getting their hands dirty and trust me it will get even dirtier for you. just don't find yourself being swallowed up and don't forget to do your best.


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